There is no set career path.

You can blow up big and be gone from the scene in less than a year. You can trudge away for years and years and that does not by any means guarantee or even increase the odds of a “promotion”. You can start off playing punk clubs and end up at the county fair. You can become a huge hit only playing people’s living rooms. What that does to the psyche is simply that there is no career guidance that fits for every musician. There are very few things you can share with each other as musicians that sort of point to the “proper” way to go about being a musician.

The paradox of taste.

Most of the bands that I adore also have people who adore them, but were I to lift the needle off of “Baby Baby” and drop it on a song I will eternally love, say,  “Drunken Butterfly” I would likely be pummeled with scorn. Faces would contort. So that can be an odd feeling, knowing that some people love in a real way the music you make, where as others actually, sincerly, hate it. I imagine that is even more weird but probably less concerting the more popular you become.

The Endless Crescendo

Career wise and/or skills wise, there is never a point where you put up your feet and say “I am finally a ‘good enough’ violin player”. Inevitably there will be another goal to push through. You might play your dream show with your favorite bands and most likely that will inspire you to think “this is only the beginning”.

More of these to come. If you are a musician let me know yours.

When I lived in Portland, OR for a number of years a good friend of mine said “Hey have you heard of CD Baby? You should sell your CDs there!” and I said “OK!”

Since then they have been my favorite ally as a musician, and I’ve always recommended them… to any musician.

So, if you don’t use CD Baby, you should definitely consider it! Click here to see what a rad music page looks like over there 😉

I have been reading the founder Derek Siver’s thoughts on Music Marketing for many many years. He is a cool, genuine, nice guy and he often will drop emails to folks just to say “Hey you! You can do it!” It’s great.

I realized yesterday that this really could apply to ANY field, and so, if you need to get yourself inspired, download his pdf on getting your music out into the world. It will be applicable if you are a musician of course, but I think it can help if you are anyone who has ambition and needs to focus it!

Visit his site daily for good solid thoughts that really will help you stay on track. Do it now!