I don’t know if I will ever write the stage and say

hey I forgot to shine

could you let me try here?

mostly I don’t want to think about I anymore

REVERIES 24 #53 "karmic get up"

you drop down upon me

and let it go

in terms of spatial awareness

that is all

I fantastically arranged you here

right there

on the tip of my tongue

more than words

more than hearing

REVERIES 24 #7 "rain god"

and we were lost in the desert


with west in the chest

and a blessed

crunch underneath each step

four six at a time

lost in it

this rhythm

REVERIES 23 #33 "mid-journey"

sometimes these are a way of me correcting trends

like, i always want to make art

but i don’t

and feel like i can’t

and also who cares what i call art in my  own head

you know, i just want to be able to make things that make me feel like that i’m not just laying on the floor staring at the ceiling

REVERIES 20 #14 "find me when i'm sleeping"



First off, I’m thrilled to let you know that I’m opening for AFI on January 28th in Santa Cruz… why thrilled you asked? as opposed to excited? Well, I’ve passed through the excited threshold and into the realm of thrilled because AFI is a band I’ve admired for a long long time, and who, in their music and their unrelenting devotion to creating their own sound, their own way, have become one of my favorite bands ever. So basically I’m opening for some musical idols. Pretty cool.

Next off, life has been changing in big and little ways, mostly big… I now live in Los Angeles… still settling in but indeed, it is done. We’re perched on a little hill and I’m really excited to see how the music fares down here.

Last off, for now, I have a lot to say for and about Nevada City. Though I feel very happy to move forward etc., I feel I owe a great debt to all the amazing musicians and friends I made there, and have a good long rant to write about all that. Will miss the good things there… very much!


Oh I apologize for the disconnect… I’m out and about, making a move to a different spot on earth and, not surprisingly, being in transition makes everything else go “pause”.

It’s exciting… so much going on. I’m looking forward to playing great shows, meeting amazing people, and generally making music more often.

I also have a lot to say about the greatness of Nevada City. So I’ll be posting soon. Wish me luck!