let’s redefine it

This one turned out a bit hippy, if that’s your thing, you’re welcome, if not, you’re welcome.
also, Music Everyday was / is like, not the creativist title ever and so these are now a part of a thingy called “REVERIES” and yes, that added notch of pretentious *does* make me breathe a little easier.
the end.
I was almost going to “cheat” and post an old recording. But the whole idea is, for me, to find some joy in playing music everyday. Sharing it makes it more likely that that happens, in theory and practice. So I sat and played guitar. It’s not profound maybe, or show how rad I can shred. It’s just making music.
This song has been around with me for a long long time. I probably wrote it more than ten years ago. Unlike some songs from that era it has aged well, ie. I’m not embarrassed by it.
I don’t know how it never ended up on an album or fully produced. It’s a perfect example of a thing that works well in a room with people and flat/not quite alive on album…
I’d tell you what it’s about but doesn’t that always ruin a song? I will tell you there is a lot of church related imagery in there. Clearly growing up Catholic and an altar boy invaded my subconscious and probably will give me songs by the bucketful forever. Because? Because church is the imperfect institution, the fallible middleman? Because church is metaphor for society? Church can be metaphor for any thing in our lives be it music or art or love or nature? Because because because. Whatever it is to you.
Without further ado!
This one is all yours now. Just an impromptu recording I decided to do as I was working on mixing for my upcoming albums.
This one is a little rare for me in that the bittersweet-ness (not new) is mixed with a little mean-ness (new!)…
Backstory? Hmmm. Well I just wrote it quickly after going through an old box of memories and realizing that some states of mind are better left behind as far as possible… It’s good to forgive and to move forward but sometimes too it’s good to expunge and exonerate yr own feelings.
So I have been hell of out of the loop, removed from reality in so many ways, both living out in the woods and absolutely inundated with work. I’ve been thinking of the big posting I would put here, announcing the fantastic things going on, but just haven’t had the seconds.
The house I was staying in was outside Nevada City in Northern California, totally beautiful views of stars and wooded hillsides… it was a perfect place to get to work on the album that I’ve been wanting to do for a long long time. I call it my “old Luke” album. It’s basically like, no electronics, no avant attempts. Just simple songs, like the ones I used to rock over the hills and dales of Ukiah and Santa Cruz. And the open mics of Portland.
No concept per se, but I intend to have at most on each track the same instrumentation: cello, acoustic guitar, and vocals. I have an inkling to put drums on a couple of tracks, like the one I’m posting here, but if I do, they will be straightforward rock drums, etc.
It for me is a return to my roots: a certain Northern California sound. Not hippie, not punk, not folk, not really in between. Just who we were and are in that wooded corner of the world.
The album is tentatively titled “Redwood Summer” and is set for release April 14, 2009.
This track is called ‘Fever Saved Me’
Thanks for stopping by!
From the clipping room floor… And yet… I post it here. A rough sketch for all to enjoy and cherish.
I like getting back to Mendocino County style anthems on acoustic guitar…