it’s just time to like

get going with it all and you know

make it happen whether anyone is happening

whether anything is

whether whenever ends

just you know, me you and this

REVERIES 22 #29 "unchance"

playing piano and pretending I can play piano is one of my favorite things and maybe is the earliest that music became “my thing”… I remember having what I thought were (and were most definitely not) good sessions on my Grandpa’s yellow piano when I was pretty young… maybe six.

this is not that piano, but the feeling I got from recording these was similar.

REVERIES 21 #49 "home steady"

as it moves over headlands

over headlands

through the meadow

over the curved bridge over the creek

down to where the foghorn blows

REVERIES 20 #18 "the sound of a drifting wish"

