Tag: south
REVERIES 20 #63 “disciple”
couldn’t type
REVERIES 20 #58 “where to what for”
no why
REVERIES 20 #57 “occult”
falling back into a dream
a continuity
REVERIES 20 #52 “a dismantling”
everything you believed in
everything you held true
brought back down
any external force
REVERIES 20 #17 “the snake eats itself”
so here we go round and round and
i think we might
have known each other before
and also these other cycles are all just coinciding
is it my fault?
REVERIES 19 #72 “invocation”
you are welcome
oh and always
and tonight
beautiful light
five alive
REVERIES 19 #53 “the answer is missing”
an imperfect return
to normalcy
REVERIES 19 #35 “mayday mayday”
we are going to
fix you
REVERIES 19 #21 “a sudden turn”
take the next one
REVERIES 19 #19 “renounce”
i love
and thus
i renounce
REVERIES 19 #11 “breezes”
where for
dost though
REVERIES 19 #6 “non-organic”
and this one was made from a good old good friend’s toy organ
REVERIES 19 #4 “giver upper”
never gonna
giver you upper
REVERIES 18 #94 “what then”
so shall we
go dancing in the streets
or shall we
REVERIES 18 #93 “take it back”
just get up and do it
REVERIES 18 #92 “if we don’t take it down than we don’t deserve to take it”
we better fucking
REVERIES 18 #91 “trimming”
get through it
REVERIES 18 #40 “desired”
so deep
the dive
into the alive
that i forgot
it’s not
what i wrote
to you
what i spoke either
quiet places
so left out
in the course of
any normal day