Luke Janela & Dan Mele
Artshare LA, Downtown Los Angeles
321 S Hewitt, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Starts at 8pm, FREE.

This one is weird and fun. I’ll be playing a lot of old songs that I haven’t touched in ages. I was intending to play new songs but just wasn’t feeling confident that I would actually remember the lyrics. So, I’m dusting off some old stand-bys and that is really interesting for me personally. Hopefully for you.

Dan is a fantastic guitar player and singer, and he’ll have a very talented mandolin player with him.

It will be fun.

I’ll see you there or I’ll just have to tell you all about it after the fact.

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Just wanted to thank everyone who came by my show earlier today (the earliest show I’ve played in years by the way). It was great fun to play in that room with its sound, and I really appreciated people taking a moment out of their days to listen. I also enjoyed talking with many of you after the show. Thanks for the kind words and for checking in…

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See you soon…