When I lived in Portland, OR for a number of years a good friend of mine said “Hey have you heard of CD Baby? You should sell your CDs there!” and I said “OK!”

Since then they have been my favorite ally as a musician, and I’ve always recommended them… to any musician.

So, if you don’t use CD Baby, you should definitely consider it! Click here to see what a rad music page looks like over there 😉

I have been reading the founder Derek Siver’s thoughts on Music Marketing for many many years. He is a cool, genuine, nice guy and he often will drop emails to folks just to say “Hey you! You can do it!” It’s great.

I realized yesterday that this really could apply to ANY field, and so, if you need to get yourself inspired, download his pdf on getting your music out into the world. It will be applicable if you are a musician of course, but I think it can help if you are anyone who has ambition and needs to focus it!

Visit his site daily for good solid thoughts that really will help you stay on track. Do it now!