i love
and thus
i renounce
Tag: cello
REVERIES 19 #14 “nothing from nothing”
REVERIES 19 #13 “roles”
REVERIES 19 #11 “breezes”
REVERIES 19 #10 “unconditional”
REVERIES 18 #97 “punch it”
REVERIES 18 #96 “forgotten”
REVERIES 18 #95 “why not”
REVERIES 18 #94 “what then”
REVERIES 18 #92 “if we don’t take it down than we don’t deserve to take it”
REVERIES 18 #85 “i fought change and i lost”
REVERIES 18 #83 “the death of decency”
REVERIES 18 #82 “plaything”
REVERIES 18 #81 “why brother”

REVERIES 18 #78 “a person unknown”

I don’t always have to like these
i don’t know if i like this one
right now
it’s cool that i accidentally did that fancy thing that fancy music majors do when they use weird rhythms
and yes i’m proud that i didn’t do it on purpose
per se
but i don’t know what this feeling is here:
a waiting
an unresolved
an unknown
somewhere always winding
and no resolution
unresolved mystery
i don’t have to like these
or even do a good job
or love them
or do them at all
and yet
it lives here.

REVERIES 18 #76 “don’t run”
REVERIES 18 #73 “long soliloquoy”
REVERIES 18 #72 “missed days”
REVERIES 18 #71 “equipment”
REVERIES 18 #70 “tomorroway”
REVERIES 18 #69 “burning”
REVERIES 18 #68 “betweenland”
REVERIES 18 #67 “the complex”
REVERIES 18 #60 “a new kind of lonely”
REVERIES 18 #58 “endless request”
REVERIES 18 #52 “solstice number 112,000,000”
REVERIES 18 #50 “the between”
REVERIES 18 #45 “head space”
REVERIES 18 #42 “enemy of perfect”
REVERIES 18 #38 “this way”
REVERIES 18 #35 “good morning in the world in a dream”
REVERIES 18 #32 “collective sigh”
REVERIES 18 #31 “god vs the world”
reveries 18 #19 “deep archer”
reveries 18 #17 “venus”
reveries 18 “it’s a way to make a day feel not wasted” 15
reveries 18 #14 “bow down”

reveries 18 #12 “stormy brewy”
reveries 18 #10 “forgery”
reveries #126 “draggs”
reveries #123 “dotzauer”
reveries #121 “turn away”
reveries #120 “cathedral 3”
reveries #119 “cathedral 2”
reveries #118 “cathedral”
reveries #117 “soundcheck”
reveries #114 “finisher”
reveries #112-2 “too long too”
reveries #112 “too long”
reveries #106 “i’m sorry for everything”

i’m for everything and everyone
making way for having fun
make the rain run from the sun
triple your pleasure
answer to no one
make me a star lit from within
in the win
dow of your thought
with understated
make me binge and twist
and wait
and weight
let me just say
an apology
let me just see
an apology
let me just be