go ahead


we can run around and pretend we’re clever

you and me oh

number three oh

making me know

what I need to know

we can go ahead


we can run around and pretend we’d never

you and me oh

and number three oh

make deep lows

make neat

abstract, toy piano, weird, beats, polyrhythm, south, ritual, offbeat, odd, journey, exploration

REVERIES 23 #3 "indulge"

I wonder if this will be the last revery of this year. it seems likely. Hasn’t been an easy year, hasn’t been easy to keep up, to get in a rhythm. This one I’m doing in the morning, very strange. But it has been amazing to make and share and I am not tired at all of creating these.

REVERIES 22 #51 "time limit"

when in the back of that car

when in the trunk of that car

sinister sounding now innocent then

a group of high school kids heading up for a full moon wander in the woods

just laughs and all, nothing really even consumed or ruined

kind of amazing how beautiful we were

REVERIES 22 #35 "true smile"

it’s just time to like

get going with it all and you know

make it happen whether anyone is happening

whether anything is

whether whenever ends

just you know, me you and this

REVERIES 22 #29 "unchance"

playing piano and pretending I can play piano is one of my favorite things and maybe is the earliest that music became “my thing”… I remember having what I thought were (and were most definitely not) good sessions on my Grandpa’s yellow piano when I was pretty young… maybe six.

this is not that piano, but the feeling I got from recording these was similar.

REVERIES 21 #49 "home steady"

is it


you or

is it really

me thinking of you


again in the day

again in the night

again in a song

again in my fright

again in the missing

is it you

or a missing piece of me?

REVERIES 21 #44 "there is no you"

am always wanting to mark this apex

in a way

that is

as though

reverb of light

echo of light

trailing light

can traverse through


I never manage the right reverence though

I can’t fling things forward

except to hope

and hope is not light

hope is probably made of light

but it isn’t light

REVERIES #37 "solar solstice"

as it moves over headlands

over headlands

through the meadow

over the curved bridge over the creek

down to where the foghorn blows

REVERIES 20 #18 "the sound of a drifting wish"

