here we are my friend I’ll sing you an old song

here we are my friend I’ll sing you an old song
some time magic is music yeah
or is it like, sometime magic?
or is it like…?
ok I’ll take you up on
a moment or two of thought
and we can get together in there
and whatnot
rock a bye
into oblivion
or into
permission to
live again
oh well I might as well try and make music even if it isn’t the greatest thing ever
cello, percussion, moody, minor key, dark, heavy as fucking usual, melancholic, 108bpm, north
a push into pushing and pushing into air and that’s all music is really
you must learn the ways
a getting slow
a settling snow
the endlessness of endless emotion gets full
why don’t you?
oh yah oh yah
everybody’s got their life goin
oh yeah oh ya
but me
making music for
no reason!
a coming storm, a fog bank, a wall of unknown, the leftover, a place of refuge
intense, heavy, big, beats, cello, midnight door, southeast, yearning, adventurous
call in and on
and on
the guards are marching
one by one
which wish shall we perceive
the one to be still
or to believe?
calumet, wander, farther on the road
you heave and sigh and wish you could
you wish and only wish you would
explode in beautiful lustful rage
turn the corner
round the bend
round her bend
it’s just time to like
get going with it all and you know
make it happen whether anyone is happening
whether anything is
whether whenever ends
just you know, me you and this
oh it’s just a way, away
to not be invisible
don’t know
don’t worry
birth of a nation
just trying to find my footing
did it ever even begin
was it the end all through
did I try, was I true?
it doesn’t matter without you
may I take a trip around your block
rock around your clock
anchor at your dock
fly with your flock?
no more words could rhyme!
choose your adventurer
random I know
who else is gonna do it?
should we sail into?
outer summer
I am truly sorry for not putting out more music. To you, for sure, and also to myself. It makes me realize, when I go as long as I have now in a stretch of not putting out reveries, how much it has been a lifesaver for me.
so, anyways, hopefully I will be putting them out again more regularly. I find that I get knocked off schedule pretty easily if life isn’t in a routine routine and also that I’m just generally confused about what to be working on right now.
that said I think that I initially felt that reveries would be more often like this one, just a little song poem for a day.
so sorry I have been missing. what a weird year ha what a thing to say again. I have been finishing up an actual album. in the meantime, here is this.
yes, there are some missing. I have been recording a lot but none good enough to post. but soon. maybe I will recover the dozens of lost ones someday. maybe next winter!
so let’s just skip five? ok. whatever. who cares.
live forever
whoever is there, really
the part of winter where clouds just roll
wait a month, re work a piece you started, get lost, come back, go
yup, I did get *really* creative with naming these three.
I would like to maybe release these as an ep together. I might add one or two more, depending on how time flies.
it’s where we turn on the lights
a sun angle here
below where chill can reach yeah
above where stillness falls like fog
winter two just around the corner
lest you be lookin’
the best guessin’
o more
or more like
follow me down to the great charade
won’t you follow me down
on a downbound
duracell bunny
been trying over and over yeah!
I’ll swim and sing with you
if you want me
not if you want me too
if you want me
on that night ship
the late night swells
navigating through
hellos and farewells
hey everyone
be careful
out there
cross into sleep
with me
these dreams these dreams take
a shadow on the hillside
your own
the sun setting
a “normal” day
wish-ish to make believe in
hero you
hero true
shadow you
and persevere
no more
pursue engage
with swiftness
with the proper sage rage
oh well alas
we turn the corner and become
one with musicbox
part of this series of piano pomes.