hey look, I’m sorry
I should have told you
I was going to
bliss you out.
I should have not
any of this.

hey look, I’m sorry
I should have told you
I was going to
bliss you out.
I should have not
any of this.
fang shweeeeeeee
wander around and around and around and I miss you I just do I just miss you I just do
even tide, wild and wide
a long endless line and do parallel paths ever meet? also?
do they?
water and time
is it is it is it is it?????
wandering round and making all kinds of light everywhere
maybe I found a new care
underneath the vibration lies the wise
my life is a practice room
one big long
practice room
thank you raven
hi there.
yes it has
been a while
I’m kind of, I don’t know, you know?
who knows where the next owl flies
any time really
and we were lost in the desert
with west in the chest
and a blessed
crunch underneath each step
four six at a time
lost in it
this rhythm
maybe I’ll jus wander around forever
I alone am in the zone
oh that happened
a few days ago?
whatever it’s just time
on which line
is my trajectory
where ideas go to get forgot
or where we just put all pocket lint
or what we made from the shadows
in an aery realm
looking over all and saying
forgive me I’ve been lost
maybe we can just
wow when this cloud gets lit up it’s so nice to sit on
in a wide wide field
in a tried true position
kneeled in air
I just think of this hall
old hall
ancient hall
filled with
a place we used to go
together and together and
whoa oh
copilot on here
rocks and wind
between here and radio nowhere
from beginning to end
maybe I can just like cheeeeeerlead
turn the block and everyone can
go ahead
we can run around and pretend we’re clever
you and me oh
number three oh
making me know
what I need to know
we can go ahead
we can run around and pretend we’d never
you and me oh
and number three oh
make deep lows
make neat
abstract, toy piano, weird, beats, polyrhythm, south, ritual, offbeat, odd, journey, exploration
in the midst of my life
oh that was oh that was oh that too was
I wonder if this will be the last revery of this year. it seems likely. Hasn’t been an easy year, hasn’t been easy to keep up, to get in a rhythm. This one I’m doing in the morning, very strange. But it has been amazing to make and share and I am not tired at all of creating these.