here’s a thing i made
to accompany video
choose your own adventure

Ok, so, full disclosure here
I wanted this to be
so much more
it is what
it is
And yes my mom
My Mom
is indeed why I even play music
(beyond the obvious duh)
who has been to every concert of mine she is within 4+ hours of
who listened to dvorak incessantly while i was born
who always has the classical station on
who drove to idaho with the river on repeat for
however many days
who never once
made me think twice
about being what/who i am
as musician
person who does this
I’m so overwhelmed with gratitude
and love for her.
I honestly thought
I’d do a whole suite
or two
but this will have
to do
for now
just a composition or a feeling
or no none of that
really just me sitting down again
on another day
and she is why
i am able
and want to
make songs
in the first place
i don’t know where i’m going
and i
end up in this room
where i make music
fairly often
and it’s just a
or maybe
passageway is the
space between
thought and
thought and
and fear
or maybe
is the place you dissolve into
where you are loved entirely
desired even
your place here
the lost useless
the cost of
no rhyme
This one turned out a bit hippy, if that’s your thing, you’re welcome, if not, you’re welcome.
also, Music Everyday was / is like, not the creativist title ever and so these are now a part of a thingy called “REVERIES” and yes, that added notch of pretentious *does* make me breathe a little easier.
the end.