It’s hot in the studio today. By studio I mean shed, and by shed I mean it has a floor and carpet over the floor and frankly it’s perfect for me right no, cozy, but there is no insulation.

I’m not complaining… kind of keeps me on my toes and the sauna like atmosphere is maybe clearing out my pores? Besides, music is always made better under duress. Also, I’m not complaining for real… I love and am thankful that I am working on this album and fully appreciate that it is great to have that be the day’s priority.

And it’s hot in here.

I decided unfortunately that I hate all the lyrics I previously wrote/recorded for my current batch of songs. They’re just not… hmm, how do I say it? Sharp. Last night I watched this movie from 1950 “All About Eve”… if you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it, won’t get into details but the dialogue is so SNAPPY. You get whiplash from the cleverness and the intelligence. Songs used to be that way too. I’m not saying I haven’t contributed or at least bought into the modern use of lyrics as purely emotive, but man, a little subtlety goes a long way. So that’s something I’m trying to work into my lyrics.

Also I want to be certain that my lyrics are honest. It’s interesting, honesty is actually a difficult thing to pull off in lyrics, for me. I suppose if I had an alter-ego (do I? Maybe.) I could jive on all kinds of things with no consequence to whether it meant anything to me personally. That might arrive at certain truths more quickly, actually. By honest I just mean not false. As in, I could tell you that I feel hopeful about this thought, or nostalgic about this memory, or that these words in a string in melody actually mean something. And I would really want you to trust me that it’s true. Nothing new for my lyric writing conceptually, but always a challenge to pull off, as life and the world changes. etc.

Also, mean, it becomes tricky too in that I’m not a storyteller in the traditional sense. It’s not that I don’t want to write a great Dylan-esque story about a relationship like Tangled Up In Blue… it’s just that frankly it’s not my forte. Or I’ve convinced myself it’s not at least. I lament every single story-based song I’ve put out into the world, and that’s true. I prefer stories that kind of disintegrate the moment they are told, stories that are true for the listener with just a hint of the plot.

Anyways, hope that doesn’t sound pretentious. I’m pretty sure it does, but trust me I’m not trying to be over-intellectual. Just rambling out some thoughts as I take a break (can you say procrastinate?) from writing lyrics. Tying knots in ink and thoughts.


(This is me in the studio. It is hot… did I mention that already?)

Oh the world is so complex these days. So many social medias to look after, especially as an independent musician. And so I want to keep it simple and narrow it all down. You as a faithful blog reader will have noticed that my twitter updates (I personally can’t really bare the word ‘tweet’ but that’s just me) are now integrated into the blog… as blogs go, that’s pretty unconventional, but in the end I feel like it allows you to come to the website and see what’s up all across the social spectrum.

AND! I don’t know if this will work. Let me know what you think, I’d appreciate being aware of it making you insane or insanely happy.

Done dorking out on internets. Now I make some music!

I’ve put up a new video off of REDWOOD SUMMER.

It takes a simple performance of the song You Can Get Far and layers a whole year of photos (I take a lot of photos) streaming over the top of it. It’s cool for me, I hope for you too… all the places and people flying along… I thought it fit the song well.


Easing along the coming albums. An epic trip to the middle of the Atlantic is plenty to get the inspiration going. I’ve been banging through new tracks these past few days since returning, and I’m excited about the progress especially.

Also in the works: a music video for Summertime Nights. Got some real amazing real talented folks down here in LA want to work on it, and so we’re going to have at it. That’ll be coming your way.

In the meantime I’ll bring you some jams soon. I’ve got a lot laying around, even if I just end up sharing the ideas and not the finished product, it’ll tide us both over until them new albums drop!

So I took down Summertime Nights from the site as you’ll see, it will be coming soon to an iTunes near you!

In other news I am off as of this evening to the Azore Islands, the middle of the Atlantic. I have family roots there and I really look forward to returning. The music especially intrigues me, along with the incredible beauty and wonderful people. I’ll be gone off the radar for a couple weeks. Upon my return I’ll have lots to share…

Hope your summer is treating you right. Enjoy!

This post, you’ll notice is not generally in line with my typical posts here, which is good, in my opinion, I’m trying to open up the content, be more… honest, I suppose.

Tonight I’m overwhelmed. I’ve spent all afternoon working on three electro-cello tracks, and that is fine, only to realize that I have a huge pile of work I’ve already recorded just waiting for me to sort it out. I’ve probably got 25 pieces at least partly recorded for that album. And that’s the problem… partly is the key word. Sorting through them is like going into an old storage unit full of stuff. Some of it is really cool, but doesn’t quite fit into your life now. Some of it you can’t let go of, but never get around to dealing with.

And on top of that, I have probably 15 songs partly recorded for my other albums. Three are done. Three. That’s it!

It’s daunting to be working on new albums again. I’m sure most artists go through this, but after you finish your last one you forget that that isn’t… it. You always push out more.

New albums breathe new life into my purpose, both musically and professionally. I get that drive to get this music out there the more it gets actually finished. So I suppose I’m pushing for a finished record that I can get behind and give what it deserves now that I am in such a crazy city, where crazy things happen.

So… overwhelmed in a good way. Too much material… there are worse things to complain about certainly!

As I was walking along I was thinking about how much I want to release an album on vinyl. Vinyl sounds good, and almost without realizing it, I still to this day record my albums with the album format in mind: short and sweet, with a definitive Side A vs. Side B.

So that’s what I am going to do, is record my ultimate vinyl record. Whether or not it gets released as a record, I’ll keep Bruce Springsteen’s “Nebraska” in mind, as the tone. It’s not all mellow, it’s not easy listening, but something about that album with its hiss and feeling is perfectly suited for that vinyl sound.

How many of you would be interested in a re-issue of REDWOOD SUMMER on vinyl? I’ll gauge the interest and see if I can make that happen. I think that album would sound good that way…

SO… today I tidied up three songs for that album. Mostly recorded some new vocal tracks for one of them… that came out of the “point of view” question I tend to always have with the narrator of the song… should I sing “You were standing there, and you saw all kinds of rad things…” (great lyrics right? just an example 🙂 or should I sing “I was standing there, and I saw all kinds of rad things”. I am choosing the latter on this day. I feel like, despite how it makes me feel like it’s a bit more revealing, it also is more natural. I feel like people listen to songs and put themselves in the position of the person singing it, I know I do. I don’t think that I’m not actually Willie Nelson or the dude from Muse as I sing along, I just can relate to the songs more easily if I can sing along saying “I saw awesome things…”

So we’ll see. Recorded that. What do you think? Any thoughts on the lyric writing/listening process for you?

Added some drums to a big build at the end of another song. It’s kind of epic, with tons of backup vocals and lots of open chords. I suppose that’s becoming my acoustic sound.

And then I tightened up one electro-cello song. Re-recorded some cello traxxx to make them more in tune, and tidied up my arrangement, so that it is good and long and trance-y, but still interesting.

Tomorrow I get serious about a few totally new recordings… as I’m itching to get those going…

Well it’s probably a few months late but last night I was thinking I ought to keep a little better track of the process of making my albums. The process is so important, and I feel like by writing about it here it will not only keep you up to date but help me keep track of what’s going on.

After REDWOOD SUMMER, I started writing new songs pretty much write away, but very casually. I like to have an audio recorder on me at all times (lately it’s my phone) and when an idea comes up I’ll record it for later purposing. The lyrics at this point are improvised but what I like to try and capture is the feel behind the idea. I’d say that since last summer I have between 10 and 20 sketches for songs that I revisit to see if they are album worthy.

Before REDWOOD SUMMER I had been performing a set of about 5 or 6 songs accompanied by my beats and effected cello. Those actually came about before I even started writing REDWOOD SUMMER but somehow I let it sit long enough that they ended up on the backburner.

So, to the present. Right now I’m working to not only bring those back to life, but also to add some fresh material to that set. The tone and sound of those songs is comparable to my album “Midnight Door”… but my personal challenge and caveat is to be able to perform those songs live, using the parts and pieces to be able to improvise around them in a live setting. It’s tricky when you do it solo, without a band, and with more than just your primary instrument involved, but I like that challenge and I like the end result. Also the marvels of modern technology allow me to give it a shot and so I’m doing that.

As a result of my stubborn insistence on performing these epically layered pieces live, I tend to lament the days of simply picking up the guitar or cello and just play, the way I would for a more simple live gig. The artists I admire the most can do this with so much talent and subtlety that a wall of sound is not necessary for them. So I’ve been working on pulling that out of my hat as well. Sitting down, playing and singing. Practicing it a bunch and then recording it pretty close to that pure sound of one person, one room.

And then, as I cannot seem to stick to one persona musically, I have developed a set I’ve been performing at art galleries and parties that is electronic music influenced, the cello, some beats, no vocals, lots of effects. This music works well for all kinds of settings and I enjoy the luxury of not needing to sing, and of going deeper with my cello playing. I’m working on recording these as well.

RIght now the electro-cello stuff is closest to being a hole album, mainly because I’ve had a full hour plus of music together already for performing live. The parts are in place and all that’s left is to lay down my lead cello parts.

I’m getting the arrangements together for that and my goal is really to create an album that is best suited for long drives, long walks, long sessions of work, that can be listened to over and over again. It’s tricky with electronic music to not get too repetitive or even too complex. My favorite electronic music gets folks dancing and sets the right tone, and it tends to sit in one music scale for a good long while, long enough for it to become hypnotic.

The acoustic album is in the works and I like where it’s going. I was real influenced by working with Chuck Ragan recently, he’s a great example of a guy and a guitar putting great songs out there with no frills and nothing lacking. Also, his vocal strength reminds me that sometimes to get the right feeling you’ve really got to belt it out. The only problem with making that album right now is that some of the songs end up being catchy enough that I want to add layers to them and some beats and move them over to my “Midnight Door” style album. So I constantly am producing, and diverting the songs into where they need to go.

Anyways. That’s where it’s at. Today I’m going to retouch the last three songs I recorded for the acoustic/solo musician album, and I’m going to get deeper with the electro-cello album.

This post is kind of a leadup to upcoming posts where I’ll be more specific about what I’m working on, and share some snippets of what I’m getting done each day, in true blog fashion.

Thanks for checking in, can’t wait to share the music with ya… Take Care!


Life has been rolling along. All the sudden it’s May. It’s not even May, it’s the middle of May. Wow.

That slip of the tongue of time has happened (for me) because I’ve been buried in music. Culminations occur tomorrow night, Thursday at the downtown art walk in Los Angeles, where I’ll be playing some jams at the Annex Gallery. Basically I’m playing cello, mixing it up with beats, and making rad action happen all the time. It’s cool, playing music in the center of one of the biggest cities in the world. It’s why I’m here.

On the other fronts, I’ve been writing new songs and nostalging about old ones, culminating in at least a couple new albums by the end of this (very busy) Summer.

Life is good, my fingers have callouses, I’m deeply inspired.

Still awaiting, I suppose, the big break, but I’ll just keep making this music, like I always have, and that will do it, I think.

Let me know when I should come to your town and play a gig.

I sincerely hope you are well. Thanks for checking in. You know I’ll post some new music here when I feel it is deserving of your ears…

In all things, do good, be well. Etc.
