I don’t usually post street art but I’m really feeling this one #visualizerain (at Rudy’s Barber Shop)

Not sure what’s going on here by that has a way of happening with this guy @ngeniella (at Garden Highway)

Random lyrics to a song that never quite made the cut

On and on and on your beauty
like alarm clocks going off at 2 in the morning
clean your wings and fly away angel
before the smog of growing old swallows you

I’ve been sorta kinda organizing my back log of tracks now that I’ve got a good chunk of my projects sorted out. It’s funny what you find just sitting there.

This is an instrumental that is kinda wandering and pretty. Cellos swirling, as they tend to do, and a kind of trance-y beat. I must have, well I’m sure of it to tell the truth, recorded live with loops.

#tbt cabin life, in the midst if winter, Mendocino. There is a reason I was looking at these old photos but I will be annoyingly vague and just say that I’m a bit overwhelmed sometimes with the amazing amazing good fortune that has come my way and the even more amazing people who are forever in my grateful thoughts. Very very, Lucky.

I just felt like putting this up tonight.

It’s a fine Summer night. Is it the end of Summer? That’s what I hear. Me and Cinco are tending to the empty home while the rest of the pack is off at FYF Fest. Slowdive is playing. Hmm. I wish I was there. It was sold out.

I’ve mostly finished up on a big buffet of music I’m going to serve up in the near future. I’m happy with the work done and mostly the feeling of the songs.

Los Angeles for me: still and ever just past my fingertips somehow. It’s there, I push at it, brush it aside like curtains. But I have yet to pass through.

It’s a good city after all, and there are just so many surfaces you could attach your mirrors to here. Everyone is beautiful and larger than life, even if just in their own minds.

There aren’t country lanes, nature revery is rare, and the general balance leans one way and then the next, undecided. It’s menacing and inviting at once.

Blah blah poetic yada yada. Meaning: I’m here, making music in my dear studio with my dear cellos and my dear thoughts and I’m not on that damn stage at this damn point in this damn city.

That’s my check in.

Hope this version of this song fits with your time and place.

Valley Of Gold - Instrumental Version

Just back to the city from the woods. Um I think I left something and have to go back. #360pano #countryboyatheart #thefaraway (at Kings Canyon & Sequoia National Parks)